un-orthodoxy interfaces with conservation-ism, orthopraxis, devil's advocacy, music, life thoughts, musings, silliness

Thursday, November 09, 2006

DIY Blog Maintenance

Now that I'm back in the land of the blogging, I would like to make a couple of public service announcements:

* Firstly, my apologies and thanks to all those who've posted comments in the last few months. They didn't appear because blogger.com had my old email addy, and so i wasn't aware i needed to approve them.

The reason I changed comments to require approval is I found I was starting to get spambots putting crap in my blog. It's not because I believe in censorship, I have never refused a comment from a real person and can't think why i would do so.

By the way, if you're getting this blog emailed to you - which is really cool and easy; see the box to the right of this - you'll need to click one of the links to come here and enter a comment. Please do, I love comments. They're like sweeties for little kiddies. (Oops, been watching Salad Fingers too much.)

* Secondly, you may have noticed I now have google ads up the top of the blog. I'm gonna see how it goes. If I become a multi-zillionaire thanks to my crazed and witty thoughts, then I will be a very rich crazed witty person.

If not, I may dump them again. Try clicking on the ads for me - go on, make me some money heh heh heh.

And tell me what you think. People with ethical objections to advertising or capitalism will be rewarded with a freeeeeee link to "Adbusters".

listening to System of a Down : Vicinity of Obscenity
(SOAD is my big discovery of the last 6 months - the coolest, most musically talented and funniest heavy band ever. Promise.)



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