un-orthodoxy interfaces with conservation-ism, orthopraxis, devil's advocacy, music, life thoughts, musings, silliness

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Insomnia, my friend, how art thou?

It's getting on for 6am and I'm about to head into work. Went to bed at midnight, woke about 3am with brain going a million miles an hour, got up, worked on a functional spec (again, for work), surfed the web, found some cool stuff, decided to reactivate my blog. I guess this it what it feels like to be happy.

So there is NO point in sleep now. I'm not a morning person, getting 1 hour's sleep before crawling out of bed again will just kill me, and i will probably be majorly late for work. Therefore, i shall take the horn by the bulls and go in EARLY for a change.

Man, my boss is so gonna hear about just how COMMITTED i am. Committed? Aren't insane people committed?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You say 'insane' like it's a bad thing!

November 07, 2006 8:32 pm

Blogger xhile said...


November 09, 2006 11:51 am


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