un-orthodoxy interfaces with conservation-ism, orthopraxis, devil's advocacy, music, life thoughts, musings, silliness

Friday, April 29, 2005

The ulitmate search engine?


listening to After the Goldenhorse gig, I’ve had their catchy poppy songs in my head all week. I decided to exorcise them with a day of Front Line Assembly yesterday (man, those guys so rock!). So right now? I’m listening to… silence…. ahhhh

Friday, April 22, 2005

Why I Wear The Poppy

Why would a pacifist wear the poppy on Anzac day? (Remembrance or Veterans day for you overseas folk.) I generally oppose war as a solution to conflict situations, but I respect those who died fighting in our armed forces, whether their cause was right or wrong

(At some point I plan to write on different varieties of pacificism, not all pacifists are alike in their approach to various situations. For example there are "nuclear pacifists" who serve in the armed forces.)

Lest we forget.

listening to Goldenhorse | Cool Pants


Thursday, April 21, 2005

Out of The Moon

Just got the new Goldenhorse album, Out of the Moon. I loved their last one, and this looks to be as good. I’m gonna go see them this long weekend at the Leigh Sawmill. Might go see the Straitjacket Fits reunion gig too, if I can get tickets. Maybe even Shihad. Big weekend coming up, oh yeeah!

And in the future…

Shangri La
sexy house for the discerning
in a unique, classy environment

Friday May 27


Helix (Wellington)
Tim Richards
Steve Steers

Shanghai Lil’s
1 Anzac Street
Auckland City

Doors open 11pm
$8 before midnight, $10 after


listening to Goldenhorse | Used to Think


Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Words from Kierkegaard

When Reason takes pity on the Paradox, and wishes to help it to an explanation, the Paradox does not indeed aquiesce, but nevertheless finds it quite natural that the Reason should do this; for why do we have our philosophers if not to make supernatural things trivial and commonplace?

Philosophical Fragments 66

listening to D7 | rndr (unreleased track)


Friday, April 15, 2005

Yay for Smoke Free Bars

I was thinking about my trip tonight to see Equus, followed by an hour or three in Shanghai Lil's - and thinking "UG, smelly stinky clothes tomorrow from smokers". And then i remembered - since the law change in December last year there is no smoking in bars or clubs in New Zealand. Yay! Sooooo nice to be able to avoid the stink and sore throat.

Weird Spot of the Day
Laser Controlled Headless Zombie Flies!

listening to nothing. Darnit, left my headphones at home and Bennie's taken his back.

A Disturbing Book

I suppose it’s inevitable that every major modern media event will have its conspiracy theorists (Kennedy’s assasination, Watergate, the Moon Landings). Still, when I saw this ad in the university student magazine, I wanted to read this.

The New Pearl Harbour: Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11

Taking to heart the classic idea that those who benefit from a crime ought to be investigated, here the eminent theologian David Ray Griffen sifts through the evidence about the attacks of 9/11 – stories from the mainstream press, reports from abroad, the work of other researchers, and the contradictory words of members of the Bush administration themselves – and finds that, taken together, they cast serious doubt on the official story of that tragic day. He begins with simple questions: Once radio contact was lost with the flights, why weren’t jets immediately sent up (“scrambled”) from the nearest military airport, something that according to the FAA’s own manual is routine procedure? Why did the administration’s story about scrambling jets change in the days following the attacks? The disturbing questions don’t stop there: they emerge from every part of the story, from every angle, until it is impossible not to suspect the architects of the official story of enormous deception. A teacher of ethics and theology, Griffin writes with compelling logic, urging readers to draw their own conclusions from the evidence. The New Pearl Harbour is a stirring call for a thorough investigation into what happened on 9/11/ It rings with the conviction that it is still possible to search for the truth in American political life.

Check out the reviews on Amazon, too.

listening to Disposable Heros of Hiphoprisy | Television, the Drug of the Nation

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Is there a Buddhist 'Meaning of Life'?

What would Buddha answer to 'What is the Meaning of Life?'. The Dalai Llama has a book, which i intend to get hold of, but does anyone else have suggestions on where to look for a Buddhist perspective on this specific question?

Unrelated: Jewish ethical perspective on using technology and medicine. It's a bit introductory, but not bad.

moved this to today, 'cos I'm still interested in hearing others' viewpoints on this

listening to
Coldcut | Journeys By DJ

Labels: ,


some things that various people have sent me recently

Corniest music video ever Believe it or not this guy is sincere

Ultimate Ninja Power!


Dreammail - homestar ruuner Always good for a laugh

listening to
Nothing. No really, I'm having a quiet day today.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Pies are good

Mmmmm... I know my days as a carnivore are numbered, but after staying up all night there is nothing better for keeping me going at work after no sleep than meat in pastry. Yum.

listening to
unknown house track 2 on Greg Churchill/Angela Fisken mix


Saturday, April 09, 2005

Who Said Gods Have No Need To Dream?


Who said Gods have no need to dream?
They dream darkest and most,
their night eyes inflaming a realm
their waking weeps as lost.

Chafing through torture of control
burning mastery, they serve;
sleeping in soul made mortal
embrace their human love.

The lonelier their peaks of cloud
the closer their dreams come
to warm plain and peopled hillside
– Gods most have need to dream.

Janet Frame
, from The Pocket Mirror

listening to Assemblage 23 | Naked


Thursday, April 07, 2005

Star Wars Toyboy Fantasy

I want one!

Land Walker Robot (Forgive the babelfish translation of the Japanese.)

listening to Lipstick | Funky Town remix

Popes and Horses

Pope John Paul II is dead. Karol seemed like a decent enough chap. The way he visited and forgave the assassin who nearly killed him was a model of peacemaking. Respect. I’m hoping the new pope introduces a few changes, like letting priests marry, and removing the ban on contraception. I’m not holding my breath though.

I’m planning to go see Equus soon. The play by Peter Shaffer (of Amadeus fame) had a profound influence on me when I studied it in high school. The teenage Alan Strang has blinded six horses in a stable. Why? What drove him to it? Psychiatrist Martin Dysart searches for the answer and in the process questions the need for desire and worship in his own life. [Dysart] “Can you think of anything worse one can do to anybody than take away their worship?”

listening to Rhian Sheehan | Hiding Place (Module Remix)
