un-orthodoxy interfaces with conservation-ism, orthopraxis, devil's advocacy, music, life thoughts, musings, silliness

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Is there a Buddhist 'Meaning of Life'?

What would Buddha answer to 'What is the Meaning of Life?'. The Dalai Llama has a book, which i intend to get hold of, but does anyone else have suggestions on where to look for a Buddhist perspective on this specific question?

Unrelated: Jewish ethical perspective on using technology and medicine. It's a bit introductory, but not bad.

moved this to today, 'cos I'm still interested in hearing others' viewpoints on this

listening to
Coldcut | Journeys By DJ

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Allow me to quote the Amazon.com review of the book you linked to. It states that the Dalai Lama's message is to "practice nonviolence, cultivate altruism, and transform consciousness". It also states that "the Dalai Lama presents the basic worldview of Buddhism". Therefore we can assume that the latter worldview consists of, or at least encompasses the former qualities.

I will have to dig deeper....how little we understand...

March 07, 2005 2:05 pm

Blogger xhile said...

Yes. Another review says

"I was hoping for an accessible, easily understood explanation of the Buddhist take on the meaning of life. Instead I first got a very complex analysis of Buddhism which did not adequately prepare me for the transcibed speeches of the Dalia Lama which followed. Maybe I'm not smart enough to grasp Buddhism. It certainly seems like this tape was not produced for the novice but for the more advanced student of Buddhism. If so, the cover did not warn me of that."

so we shall see.

March 09, 2005 2:40 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh dear christ-
do not listen to the tapes - they are *pure* *evil*...
The wise dalia lama's teachings being offered up ... by some smarmy new-age american git with a voice like a steamroller voting for nixon and trying just as hard to sound at least affable?
Get the book - I heard some of the tape - it was senor diabolie - I swear...

April 08, 2005 12:43 am


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