un-orthodoxy interfaces with conservation-ism, orthopraxis, devil's advocacy, music, life thoughts, musings, silliness

Monday, March 12, 2007

Silly Me

Had a big weekend out ... bed 4:30 Sat am, still somewhat sick, maybe 6 hours sleep. Bed 7am Sun am (after big club night out), not a helluva lot of sleep thanks to flatmate using power tools on the wall outside my bedroom at 11am. It's now 1am Monday. But i had fun! And on nothing but a couple of coffees and the occasional wine... am i hard or what!? Or just stupid.

Yeah, i had GOOD reasons for doing so, insuring i will earn money, didn't really have a better option. Otherwise i woulda' preferred to be in bed. But will be taking it easy the next few days, my horrible horrible cold is much better, ironically.

AND i lost my brand new cellphone tonight. Aaargh! Have blocked it and will get another soon, hopefully. The number will remain the same.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where values of "taking it easy" include traipsing all over the countryside!


Will sleep when he's dead. ;-p

March 14, 2007 6:55 am


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