un-orthodoxy interfaces with conservation-ism, orthopraxis, devil's advocacy, music, life thoughts, musings, silliness

Thursday, March 08, 2007

NOFX shut down in Wellington

The promoter emailed me this:

Hi everyone,
I heard about what happened last night in Wellington from my Dynamo peoples plus the NOFX road crew/tour management as I'm currently in Australia.
I wanted to give you guys the facts so you hear it straight from us and not some chinese whispers rumour about what happened at the Wellington NOFX show and why it turned to shit and people were shut out...

We were instructed that Victoria University Student Union Hall had a certain capacity (as per any show we do anywhere) BY Victoria university... This is what I set the ticket allocation @ ticketek to (which sold out), midway through the night the building owner arrived and decided that we had "over-sold the show" (despite there being a whole ton of room at the back of the room). We sold the same amount of tickets as Pennywise did (a little less even), we were instructed as you guys saw on here to release a further 25 door sales on the night... Which didn't happen.

The venue owner after a running battle with us decided she was going to shut the doors on the show and shut us down, we told her that in doing so - it would cause a riot... And sure enough it did.

I want you guys to know that I/we had NOTHING to do with shutting the doors, nor did we do anything wrong in our ticket allocation. We sold out the show to the capacity instructed to us by VUSA, I've busted my balls for nearly 10 years now booking shows often footing the bills out of my own pocket, I'm proud of the reputation that I/we've built in NZ as a legitimate touring destination with trustworthy and honest promoters.

I would hate for someone else's bad calls to affect my reputation and I'm sure that in this case that's probably exactly what will happen.

I can't refund tickets as the agreed capacity and ticket sales related to it have been accounted for, contracted and forwarded to NOFX and the various people involved in booking this tour - nor should I have to do when I have done nothing wrong.

Once again - I apologize to those who were stuck outside and missed the show. If you do want to try and get your ticket refunded I would suggest contacting the VUSA as it was at their end where the capacity was set and at their end where the show was needlessly "shut down".

Please pass this on to the dozens and dozens of pissed off NOFX fans who may not understand what happened and won't read this...

Unfortunately I doubt very much we'll be sending bands the size of NOFX down to Wellington, unless an appropriate venue pops up which sucks for all of us.

- Dave McDermott
Dynamo Promotions guy

listening to White and Dean | Out of Knowwhere

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