un-orthodoxy interfaces with conservation-ism, orthopraxis, devil's advocacy, music, life thoughts, musings, silliness

Sunday, November 26, 2006

You Two

Home again. As expected, U2 was a good night. Very much like watching the DVD only more expensive.

I took A, one of my wunnerful lil' sisters. We had the perfect setup really, her house is close to the stadium and we ended up drinking wine and eating gourmet pizza just down the road, followed by a gentle 20 min walk to the stadium, arriving halfway through Kayne West's set. I told A she's never allowed to move, any future stadium concerts (Big Day Out?) will see me encamped at hers in comfort rather than sweating in the sun all day as my other flat/community/crib peeps did.

Our seats had a perfect centre view of the stage, and the lovely twins Megan/Lisa who i've known for years surprised me by turning up in the seats beside us. KW was totally wrong as a support act, most of the crowd i could see weren't into him, and it was ear-hurtingly loud. U2 sound was much better, tho not bass-ey enough at the back where we were. (Being a musician, ex-promoter and wannabe sound engineer i am particular about the sound.)

I decided to jump the fence and see if i could find a fren, almost got caught by a guard when he grabbed my jacket but managed to slip away into the crowd. Couldn' find her - her phone inconveniently died - so I went back to me seat just before it started. Danced a lot, sang like a munter and sat down for the slow ones. As expected, U2 showed why they're one of the top stadium acts in the world. The show was very slightly on the preachy side for me, but only if you're oversensitive to that, like i am.

And they finished perfectly with 'One Tree Hill'.

I will post fotos but my phone-puter connector is at work and i can't be bothered going in at nearly 2am Sunday am.

Nyah nyah F, this time i beat you to it. ;-)

listening to the developing tinnitus in my ears


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is totally unfair that you were able to blog first. I object! *lodges complaint with the Bloggers Commission*

November 26, 2006 8:45 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want PHOTOS damnit (so I can thieve them for my blog)

November 28, 2006 9:36 am

Blogger xhile said...

heh. Check the timing on your comment vs the timing on my latest post ;-) Great minds, huh?

So whatcha gonna pay for the fotos, huh, huh?


November 28, 2006 9:52 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about one of my 'real appreciate it's?


November 28, 2006 12:00 pm


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