Mo Rules
Yes, F, it probably IS the mo that's making me happy (see comments on last post) ;-)
I've been going for the "Lemmy", but according to the official rules
There is to be no joining of the mo to sideburns - thats a beard

Lemmy was born in Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire and raised in Anglesey, Wales. His father, a clergyman, left the family when Lemmy was three months old; the experience helped to imbue a deep hatred of religion in Lemmy and this is reflected in a number of his songs.
from the Wikipedia article.
listening to Cradle of Filth | Nymphetamine
Oh dear god you posted this at 7:45AM??? I wasn't even awake then!
So you need to take a razor and debeard yourself, huh?
November 23, 2006 9:52 am
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