un-orthodoxy interfaces with conservation-ism, orthopraxis, devil's advocacy, music, life thoughts, musings, silliness

Monday, March 07, 2005

I hate 'Asians'

No, I don't hate people from Asia. I hate the way pakeha people like me use 'Asian' as a catch-all description because they're too lazy or ill-educated to know the differences between distinct cultures. There ARE no 'Asians'. There are Chinese (mainland, Taiwanese, Singaporean, Malaysian, Hong Kong...), Indian, Malaysian, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Laotian, Cambodian, Thai...

There is a large diversity of very cool cultures that one word parroted by lazy 'Europeans' simply doesn't do justice.

I suggest next time we're too lazy to think whether they're Chinese or Cambodian - just say 'Nigger'.

Listening to NB & Sex Pistols | God Save The Queen (extended 7" mix) [AWEsome]



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see what you're saying, and yet I can't help thinking that you're wrong to let it bother you for a number of reasons.

1. Despite being a generalisation, and often probably an ignorant one, that doesn't mean it's derogatory at all. People calling me 'European' or even 'British' is ignorant, but not offensive on any level. If I correct, it is only to advise, not to object.

2. If any Asians (inhabitants or descendents of inhabitants of the continent) find the term offensive of itself, then I am not aware of it. If in fact they are offended by the term, then I will happily change my view on the whole subject.

3. I guess the question of whether a term is offensive is to a large degree down to whether the term is intended to offend, or has at any point been intended to offend. As far as I'm aware, 'Asian' never has.

btw: If somebody called me a man, intending to offend me, then despite the label being accurate, I would be offended by their intention to offend. Conversely, if they called me...I don't know...something normally highly offensive, but they're just saying it out of ignorance, then I wouldn't be offended. Sorry I don't have any better examples there.

"next time we're too lazy to think whether they're Chinese or Cambodian - just say 'Nigger'" ?
Um. I think you're way out there. If you're going to make the point you're going for (which I think is flawed anyway), surely it makes more sense to say 'chinky' (UK derog.)?

March 07, 2005 1:54 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where's the stereotype?

How does stating someone's continent not see the divine in them?

Isn't calling someone a 'human' the most general generalisation possible?

Taking your statements to their logical conclusion, would you suggest that we refer to every individual person by their name? Surname? Village? Town? County/State? Country?
I'm assuming the answer here is 'country', from what you've been saying. Surely if we follow the logic through, then defining people this rigidly is risking breeding emnety, in the way that any isolation from other nations does?

Calling someone Asian is akin to calling someone black - it's a group, without being specific. It's not an insult.

March 08, 2005 9:32 am

Blogger xhile said...

Well, seems I caused a little stir, both here and in the TF forum.
Admittedly, I knew my post was provocative, and am OK with that. If nothing else, making people stop and think is a good thing.

I agree with some of the points, using ‘Asian’ to describe where someone is from geographically is helpful. I guess I’m more concerned when it’s actually connoting a racist undertone – which it does here in NZ often. Hence the 'nigger' comment. (NZ has had a noticeable increase in migrants from Asia in the last 10 years.)

And I’d also like to encourage a little more awareness of distinct cultures, much as I enjoy the distinctions between (say) Germans and Dutch people.

March 09, 2005 2:34 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hate asians!!!!!!

April 28, 2005 9:56 am


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