un-orthodoxy interfaces with conservation-ism, orthopraxis, devil's advocacy, music, life thoughts, musings, silliness

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Cityside stuff

Brenda spoke about water today. I intended to get a copy of what she said, ‘cos it made me think, but here’s a couple of things I can remember: Good drinking water is still a big issue for a lot of the world. 80% of all disease in 2/3 World countries is heavily impacted by water quality. In my own country consumerism brings another irony – our tap water is safe to drink yet companies are selling us bottled water, yielding Tonnes of plastic waste. I was wondering how to apply this at raves – we need water to drink, but maybe there are better ways to do it? Handing out cups of tap water perhaps?

Stations of the cross is in three weeks. It’s an art exhibition based around spiritual themes, good for meditating and pondering. I was going to contribute a piece of music, but decided to pull out due to new job commitments.

Brain is feeling very busy and full today. Need to make sure I take time out.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good call on the water thing - the sale/purchase of bottled water does really grate on me too. It seems to wrong, for the reasons you've stated.

I think it was Ben Elton who did a monologue about scientists and/or businessmen destroying the arctic and seemingly making decisions affecting pollution that will 'outlive us all' fairly casually. I can't help thinking the bottled water attitude is similar to this.

The exceptions I would make in order to avoid being labelled a hypocrite (a transgression seemingly worse than murder nowadays) are the bottles of water with the sports caps, which can be re-used an infinate number of times (because they don't rot - remember that...?) and flavoured water, which is more of a 'product' I guess.

March 07, 2005 2:21 pm


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