un-orthodoxy interfaces with conservation-ism, orthopraxis, devil's advocacy, music, life thoughts, musings, silliness

Monday, January 08, 2007

Decisions Decisions

Back at work for day three. One of my goals this year is to save more money - I did pretty well last year, bought a car out my savings. Long term savings will be for a property methinks, but I also need some money in the bank if I'm gonna pay my remaining debts, promote any events and travel overseas this year too.

So I'm thinking... Big Day Out is coming up. And more and more, the only bands I really want to see are Tool and Trivium. So maybe I'll skip it and save $100. I've already been taking bus/train to work consistently which saves me big $$ each week.

I potentially have four events I will be running in the next 3 months. That's what happens when I get passionate about the music I'm involved with. My private party this Friday 12th (easy). Club Bizarre - industrial/ebm/goth - on Feb 23 (easy-ish provided I get some helpers from CB). Pink Moa at Kiwiburn Feb 9-12 (major mission). BLISS pre-launch party on March 23 (a significant amount of work). I will learn from past enthusiasms though. I want to be ready to drop the middle two lest I take on too much.

Deadline is fast approaching for Pink Moa at Kiwiburn too; if I don't get enough volunteers to help and to contribute money in another week, Pink Moa will be extinct until next year. I will still go to Kiwiburn, just as an ordinary camper and hope to meet some potential campmates for next year.


oh, and a nice blast from the past for me. Someone on a dance music forum posted asking about Wonderland (the last one was 3 years ago now). "I never got to go to Wonderland but am still hearing alot about it." Nice to think something I created made an impression.

listening to Tool | Sober (live)

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Blogger tatjna said...

Some of us are very glad the Pink Moa went ahead.

Just sayin'.


February 15, 2007 4:02 pm


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