I Want To Draw You Like An Animal
So, Felyne alerted me to this

[Click to see it larger; Note the byline in the 'toon title]
This led to a little creative editing of one of my fave NIN songs (which the wonderful Tatsuda Ishiya is obviously referencing):
You let me illustrate you
You let me innovate you
You let me-create you
You let me generate you
Help me
I broke apart my pastels
Help me
I’ve got no ink at all
Help me
The only thing that works for me
Help me get away from myself
I want to draw you like an animal
I want to paint you from the in-side out
I wanna touch you in your ink well
…My whole canvas is flawed
You get me closer to God
(apologies to Trent Reznor)
listening to LTJ Bukem Our World
Labels: Cartoons, Closer, Creativity, NIN, Sex
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