un-orthodoxy interfaces with conservation-ism, orthopraxis, devil's advocacy, music, life thoughts, musings, silliness

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Why Satanists Should Burn Churches

Now I am decided. I must go to Deicide to exorcise my demons. All my blogs for the past few days have been about Stantanism. I must resist!

(Stantanism being the worship of a mythical being called 'Stan'. Not to be confused with Santanism, which is a materialistic religion corrupted from churchianity, involving hedonistic orgies of buying stuff in preparation for the return at the winter solstice of an evil and ancient demigod in a red suit.)

Anyway, on to the issue at hand: Satanists SHOULD burn churches. If they won't, christians should.

A few Satanists have already tried it on, mainly in Scandanavia. Although it's likely that most of these burnings were simply bored teenagers trying to keep warm. It's freakin' cold up there.

I think church burning is a good thing. Apart from buildings with architectural/historical beauty which i kinda like, most of these buildings either have little utility or are easily replaceable. Note that burning churches with people still inside them is extremely bad form.

Churchianity has nothing to fear. If their g0d is real, they will survive and flourish. A buildingless faith will purge and improve churchianity. After all, it started as a buildingless faith, hovering around the temple of the 'old' faith and largely meeting in peoples' houses or catacombs full of dead bones (very satanic), until after a few hundred years churchianity became so successful that it took over state temples formerly dedicated to Roman gods. And speaking of which, "mergers and acquisitions" is another approach Satanists could take.

You see, i think this church burning thing is a form of jealousy. Satanists are a group of small, and kinda disenchanted cults infighting with each other. Just like any other religion. They're jealous 'cos they don't get to have cool buildings dedicated to the propagation of their worldview. Apart from the so-called "Hollywood Satanists" who follow Anton La Vey (R.I.UP.). Brian Warner (aka Marilyn Manson) is a Holywood Satanist. I think the H.S sect probably has enough money to have a building, or maybe a bookshop, or a cute little roadside shrine on Sunset Boulevard. But I digress. Again.

Taking over another religion's worship places is a well established g0d-thing to do, dating back thousands of years. Take, for example, the muslims. When violently conquering Byzantium (formerly Constantinople, now Istanbul in Turkey) they took over the Hagia Sofia basilica and turned it into a supermosque. Or the fanatical atheists running the USSR who turned many Russian Orthodox churches into museums or bingo halls. The hostile takeover has a proud and ancient precedent when it comes to competing religious business.

I mean, how cool would it be if in Scandanavia you could find a beautiful old church that's been painted entirely black and had all the crosses inverted? Hell, I'D go there to worship, and that's saying something.


[removed] In a massive cultural blunder - or was it? - a Japanese Santanist cult once produced plastic effigies of St Nick (aka 'old Nick') crucified - what more evidence do we need? After investigation, I discovered this is probably an urban myth, although strangely, Santa has been crucified on at least one occasion in the USA. http://www.museumofhoaxes.com/hoax/weblog/permalink/crucified_santa

listening to Def Leppard | Animal !? Aargh! Felyne likes DL. Hmph. Changed the station to something playing Pink | It's Just You And Your Hand (All this in an attempt to get death metal out of my head. )

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

From memory alot of the Scandinavian bands, artists, and perpetrators of the various church burnings wern't neccessarily Satanists (at least not card-carrying members of "The Church of Satan") but more Odin worshipping Viking revivalists wishing to bring back a return to the Viking ways.

Along With their Viking revival, they have a strong seething hatred towards Christianity and everything it represents based on the historic actions of the early Christians who invaded their lands are foistered their religion upon the land (yippee for the crusades!).

A good book on the subject is Lords of Chaos - I've not yet picked up a copy of the book myself but it's been on my wishlist for ages...

Now Playing: Cradle of Filth - Cemetery and Sundown

December 10, 2006 9:00 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding the hostile takeover idea, you reminded me of this:

"Merger? You don't merge with a multinational like Rome Corp!"

April 17, 2007 9:43 am


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