un-orthodoxy interfaces with conservation-ism, orthopraxis, devil's advocacy, music, life thoughts, musings, silliness

Monday, December 11, 2006

Sigh. Workmates.

So I work for a large corporate right? I'm employed mainly because of my expertise in things webby and IT-wise. So I heard we are about to host an outside reporter, who is very IT-savvy, to look at our not-quite-ready flagship system pre-launch. I thought it was prudent to ask a certain co-worker "Will you be asking him to leave his cellphone, ipod, USB memory stick and similar at the front desk?".

She kinda smiled at me in an "oh-you-can't-be-serious" sort of way. I felt humiliated for even daring to suggest that a complete stranger, who has published potentially damaging "unauthorised information" about us before, might try to take away information we don't want him to have.

Silly silly me.

I guess the kind of articles I've linked to below are just scaremongering, and IT experts should be ignored when talking about their field.


PC World, June 2006: The 10 Biggest Security Risks You Don't Know About

Two security-related articles about portable storage devices


listening to Laurie Anderson | Oh Superman (and remixes)

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