un-orthodoxy interfaces with conservation-ism, orthopraxis, devil's advocacy, music, life thoughts, musings, silliness

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Twisted Sister?

OK. I admit it. I was a Twisted Sister fan when I was 15. They were everything a 15 year-old boy could want in a band. They were loud. They were rebellious. They wore funny clothes. They were the first ever live concert I went to - and are STILL the loudest. I can vividly remember my chest shuddering when the drummer thumped the kickdrums.

They eventually split up, and Dee Snider did some interesting stuff with movies, and appears to be a fairly intelligent guy. Although this latest episode makes me wonder. Unbelievably, they seem to have reformed and made - wait for it - a Christmas album. Sadly, they sound worse than when I was 15. And whoever edited their song and video needs to recall the phrase "less is more". Still, they are a legend in my own mind.
Check this out


listening to Twisted Sister | We're Not Gonna Take It (in my head)

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