un-orthodoxy interfaces with conservation-ism, orthopraxis, devil's advocacy, music, life thoughts, musings, silliness

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

More on Athens, Original Blaspheming

I like Athens a lot. I could live here. It's a college town, so the average intellect is probably slightly higher than in surrounding counties. All the women have tattoos. I mean, ALL of them. Most of them are ugly (the tattoos, not the women). There are good places to eat, and good wine. I even bought a T-shirt from the Globe (an irish pub), mainly because i wanted a black T-shirt so I could go see Deicide in Atlanta without feeling a social reject. I could have seen Autechre too on the same night, but I didn't end up going to anything. I did catch Annaray and two other bands at the 40 Watt Club in Athens though. Annaray were good, reminded me a lot of Fugazi.

I've been reading bits of Original Blessing by Matthew Fox. The intro is good. I can agree with lots of what he says, and he's certainly got lots of useful quotes, links to writers i haven't come across and thought-provokation. It's possible that what he characterises as fall/redemption theology can embrace more of his theme issues than he gives it credit for. I mustn't forget that he comes out of what could be regarded as a rather repressive tradition - like most of churchianity. I don't think the book is well written, I keep thinking "yes, but what is your POINT?". It keeps skating over the surface and appears like a wish list rather than a coherent and well defended theology; perhaps intentional as I don't think Fox likes that sort of approach. I do like anything that makes me think afresh, even though it's now 20 years old.

I bought Mindphaser by Front Line Assembly, and XTORT by KMFDM on CD. Those are hard to get in New Zealand, so I was chuffed.

listening to
KMFDM | Power



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