un-orthodoxy interfaces with conservation-ism, orthopraxis, devil's advocacy, music, life thoughts, musings, silliness

Friday, March 18, 2005

Is Spirituality Like Us?

Matt pointed me to a section from a Tibetan buddhist text the other day. See Matt’s blog – which also contains a selection of his music . Matt and I have discussed a mutual interest in buddhism, and its interaction with its Tibetan ‘buddhist’ offshoot.

The text in question, while being far from the extreme of this genre, talks of a monk’s mystical experiences of a sacred mountain, and of the so-called Dalai Llama’s assertion that 60 "superbliss deities" live there. It reads, to my jaundiced eye, like so much mumbo jumbo. And is, in my opinion, fairly removed from what little we know of the original teaching of Gautama. But that is by the by. The point is this text, like so much religion, is just weird.

And this got me to thinking: Is spirituality like us?

Is meeting the true Spirit, getting in touch with g0d, receiving enlightenment a weird, alien and uncomfortable experience? (This is a particular trap for those who think psychedelic drugs lead to real and true spiritual experiences.) Or, is the source of life LIKE us, so that meeting it/him/her is like bringing us home to a familiar but long-forgotten place?

Well, you’ve already guessed I plump for the latter. Yes, I acknowledge the great spiritual explorers have experienced some pretty weird things. One only has to read Juliana of Norwich or the prophet Ezekiel to see that. And yet, I think the core spirituality – that which leads us to the true centre rather than distracts us with little games - the true spirituality is MORE human rather than less. More comforting than disconcerting. More sane, than unsane. More mundane than fantastic.

Perhaps the next time some enthusiast assails us with cultic religiosity that would make a shaman’s toenails curl, we could recite the following holy mantra, which is guaranteed to forever banish the demons of obfuscation:


listening to Black Sun Empire | Stasis

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not sure that I agree with you there-
not to start a blog war - but I think if there's something out there, you know, like mulder says, it's less likely to be specifically human - of course - that utterly depends on whether or not you think humans are special - I don't -
different, weird, not-in-their-right-place, yes, but not special-
I think theres a spirit in everything-
whether or not you can say that object has a brain with which to objectively reveal it's own experience of being is something different. Consciousness != spirit, otherwise people in comas have no soul.

March 22, 2005 11:31 am

Blogger xhile said...

Not at all… healthy disagreement is a good thing. Facilitates learning and change.

As I said, the spiritual greats have encountered some weird stuff, so I do see a place for that. I just don’t see that as the essence of being humanly spiritual.

Yes, I think there is a spirit in everything. And, humans aren’t special in terms of the wider spiritual ecology. That doesn’t invalidate our spiritual experience as humans, or our desire to ‘come home’.

A lot of it comes down to whether what is out there has a personality, rather than simply being energy. Something that has personality can choose to interact with us as persons on a level we can be comfortable with.

: )

March 23, 2005 9:08 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well hello there xhile, I was just searching for some ideas on Scriptures when I happened on to your Blog. Although Is Spirituality Like Us? isn’t quite what I was looking for, it was for more information on Scriptures. You’ve still got a great Blog here.

November 01, 2005 7:32 pm


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